Meet the P.C.U.P.S. Board of Directors

Serving as the CEO and Founder of the P.C.U.P.S. Foundation is Tom Albrecht. The original idea was presented to a few decision-makers at Marlette Regional Hospital in October 2011. By partnering with Marlette Regional Hospital, the P.C.U.P.S. program was created and established in order to provide Prostate Cancer Screenings (PSA). Since 2012, P.C.U.P.S. has raised over $125,000 and has provided over 1,500 PSA screening to men in the Thumb region of Michigan. On November 1, 2013, the P.C.U.P.S. program become the P.C.U.P.S. Foundation and was recognized as a 501(C)3 non-profit charitable organization.
As a cancer caregiver, Tom lost his grandfather in December 1989, his grandmother in August 1993, and later lost his dad to cancer in May 1999 at the age of 50, Tom was directly impacted by cancer and felt the desire to help others who suffered from the similar disease. At the young age of 19 and a college freshman at Northwood University, Tom learned a life lesson of living life to the fullest and realizing that life is too short. Tom made it a mission to not let losing his dad and best friend to cancer, stop him from fulfilling his dreams.
During his childhood, Tom and his dad, including his mom and two sisters had a very close relationship. Tom grew up watching his parents (Dave and Judy) be involved in many civic and community organizations. His father was a local business owner, avid bowler, coach, and an active sports promoter throughout the community. Tom’s mother was an elementary teacher for 30+ years who continues to promote youth reading and serves on many boards throughout the area. Growing up, you could always find the Albrecht family attending a sporting event or traveling to see a collegiate or professional game.
After losing his dad to cancer, Tom recognized the need to invest in his young career by surrounding himself with successful role models to help him establish his career goals—after all, his coaches, business leaders, teachers, and mentors all took an invested interest in him to instill the values that were important to his dad. Addressing the need to help cancer survivors and caregivers, Tom was involved in various fundraisers to promote cancer research by participating in Relay for Life events presented by the American Cancer Society. Tom also assisted in raising money for his sister Tera by walking in the 60-mile fundraiser presented by the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer.
Over the years, Tom attended several sporting events with his dad and family. Just because he watched his dad lose the battle to cancer was not going to let that stop him from attending sporting events. To stay engaged with meeting and learning from others, Tom has organized several group outings at games, took on various leadership roles, volunteered at minor league baseball games, and golf events like the PGA Championship. Lastly, he has started new traditions with family and friends to attend various venues and events around the world.
With his strong interest in sports and with his background in business, Tom recently went back to college where he earned his Master’s in Sports Administration. Though his previous commitments as a former President of Kiwanis Club, high school baseball assistant coach, developer, and organizer of many charitable events and non-profit organizations, Tom pursued his passion to help others where he began to recruit a team of friends to lead the P.C.U.P.S. Foundation in his quest to eradicate the disease and promote the color of Prostate Blue.
This relatively young organization, the P.C.U.P.S. Foundation has a strong presence around various areas of Michigan with the ultimate goal of spreading throughout the United States insight. The Foundation is guided by an elite, all-volunteer Staff and Board of Directors who recommend and advise the funds. Working with this team of talented professionals, they are proud to carry out our mission and vision for years to come. Tom’s dream of finding a way to promote men’s health and wellness through sport and recreation is underway. On May 6th, 2014, the P.C.U.P.S. Foundation sponsored the first Prostate Cancer Awareness Game at Central Michigan University. Although, the foundation has not yet achieved its ultimate goal, nor have they found a cause for this deadly disease, the volunteers continue to work together every day in order to get a little bit closer to achieving their goal.
We ask you to join us. Make a donation. Get involved. Spread the word. Thank you.